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Name:   Kristen Kosla, CPA

Company Name:  Bufford Thompson or BTC

Position within company:  Controller

What makes your organization stand out? Trusted Partner to School Districts in renovating or new building projects

How long have you been in the construction industry?  Almost a year

How did you end up in the construction industry?  I worked in Defense Industry for 10 years and it’s similar in accounting treatment

What is your professional pet peeve?  Sage 300 CRE

Organization or company other than your own that you most admire?  Google

What led you to join CFMA?  Since I’m new to the industry, I’m looking to meet others in my or similar positions in their organization and learn from them.  Also, I’m interested in the CPE options. 

What are you looking to achieve from being a member?  We are also looking to update our financial software so it would be great to learn about different industry options and other users like myself experience with different software.

Favorite sports team?  University of Texas Longhorns – football mostly

What hobbies do you enjoy?  Digital Scrapbooking, Bike riding, travel

What is there about you that people would be surprised to learn?   I was an avid scuba diver before kids fifteen years ago but haven’t been since having my first child.